Healing Unmet Needs ​Workbook


God created us with physical, spiritual, and emotional needs. Our emotional needs are just as important for our growth and maturity as our physical needs. Our spiritual needs are met by God, our emotional needs are met through relationships, and our physical needs are met with food. The need for love can be compared with the need for water, both are essential for life. An emotional connection or a bond with another person is how your emotional needs are met. If this bond has not been developed, you will suffer silently, longing for a meaningful relationship. If love is not flowing between two people in a relationship; each one feels like a broken withering limb hanging from a tree cut from the life source. Plants need to stay connected to the water source and we must stay connected in relationships where love is flowing, where emotional needs are being met.

His supply for the foundational level of all of our emotional needs is provided from birth through our family. Your family is like the soil you are planted into. It is either rich with nutrients of unconditional love, affection, affirmation, and encouragement, or, it is rocky, stony soil with conditional love, and criticism. Our emotional needs for love, affection, and affirmation should be filled through our parents when we are children. If our emotional needs are filled during the early years you will be emotionally healthy in adulthood. When you are emotionally healthy you can establish healthy relationships with others.

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