Overcoming Rejection Workbook


Rejection is one of the enemy’s most subtle tactics. The pain of rejection destroys your immune system. The immune system I am talking about is the immune system set up to guard your heart from the lies of the enemy. Rejection is like a poison that goes into your heart and tears down your guard against the lies of the enemy. The Bible tells us to guard our heart, when we are rejected our guard in down. You not only feel hurt at the time of rejection, but you continue to struggle with thoughts and tormenting feelings of rejection.

The enemy uses a painful experience like rejection to plant lies into our minds. Some people suffer for years because of these lies. To be set free, you must realize who your enemy is; it is not flesh and blood or the person who rejected you. It is Satan the father of all lies.

Scripture tells us not to give a place for the enemy. One way that we give him a place or an opportunity to dictate our thoughts is found in Ephesians 4:26, 27. This scripture says don’t let your anger last until the sun goes down. When we end the day still angry at what someone did or said, we give the enemy an opportunity to plant negative thoughts and feelings into our mind. It is as if when the sun goes down the thought (seed) is planted into the ground.

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