Rebellious Children Workbook


If you have a rebellious child, you may be wondering how the rebellion got started, and when it will end. Some people think that rebellion is just part of the sin nature and all children will be rebellious. The answer to the first question is that rebellion usually gets started early in childhood. It operates through the sin nature, but can be stopped before it takes over a child’s behavior. Once it starts, rebellion will gain momentum if it is allowed to continue. Rebellion needs to be detected early so the progression can be stopped. Like a snow ball, it first starts with a handful of snow, but as it rolls down the hill, that innocent snow ball gets bigger and bigger. You may be looking at your child and wondering how did this happen; just yesterday she/he seemed to be so good. It was not just yesterday. Rebellion takes place over time. The rebellious actions and attitudes may not have been referred to as rebellion until they are out of hand, and so big everyone is affected.

What can a parent do with a rebellious child?

This is a question thousands of parents face every day. There are many options, some have proven to be successful and others not. As a Christian writer and mother of three children, I will share one option that really works, it worked in our home. Therefore it is not a theory; it is a proven solution to the problem of rebellion. I had to learn these lessons the hard way, but thankfully I learned them in time to take care of the rebellion problem while our children were young. We did not have rebellious youth. Rebellion was nipped in the bud when it first raised its head.

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